How we all doing at this tricky time? The Hippy Tin is here to help you cope with this strange new world that involves distancing yourself from family and friends and getting into a different routine when it comes to work and managing your day to life.

Although Mental Health Awareness technically runs from 18-24 May, we all need to be looking after our mental health now more than ever given the new challenges we are facing but the good news is The Hippy Tin CBD Balm can help.

Studies show that CBD oil has a stabilizing effect on mood, lessening feelings of anxiety. CBD works on the endocannabinoid system, (ECS), which is responsible for maintaining homeostasis in most physiological processes like sleep, pain perception, memory, mood, digestion, cognition and immunity.

For its anti-anxiety and mood enhancing effects it indirectly stimulates the 5-HT1A serotonin, ‘happy hormone’ cannabinoid receptors and exerts an anti-anxiety stable happy mood effect. The cannabinoid receptors targeted are the same receptors that anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications target but without any of the nasty side effects of traditional medicine.

So take your little tin of Hippyness and use to:

  • Sooth anxiety by massaging over temples, wrists and the soles of feet.
  • Apply after a warm bath or shower when skin is more receptive to ingredients.
  • Breathe in the calming scent of patchouli – one of nature’s  most powerful anti-inflammatories it perfectly safe to use right now when conventional anti-inflammatories are being advised against.
  • Ping a ting to a friend or family member who might not be able to get out of the house at the moment and let them share in the benefits.

Know this won’t last forever and we will all emerge happy and stronger when it’s done!

#covid19  #coronavirusandcbd  # anxiety  #sleep  #selfisolation